DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY: Teaching Children By Example

The variable that often imprisons parties in a dead-end relationship is a child or children. Children, however, are egocentric and are never going to grow into healthy adulthood when their upbringing is centered around a false, dead relationship from which they learn by observation that they never, ever, want to get involved with someone because it will be like being Mom or Dad. They need to be told once that the divorce was never about them but about Mom and Dad being at a dead end in their relationship. They will remember that and it will be the defining memory of the divorce: it wasn't about them. Children absorb everything they see, feel and experience: every nuance, gesture, sarcastic gesture, all the negative, unhappiness and bad going on between their Mom and their Dad. Sometimes the expense of ending a dead marriage is the best money ever spent not just for the liberation of the spouses but for the sunshine it can bring to a child in the middle of the "dead-...