Rambling thoughts at Christmas Time: Children are egocentric and get more so the older they age. Do not transpose your beliefs in how you think they should see divorce. Remember they get 2 Christmases. They will wonder if the divorce was their fault and need to be told it was not ~ once. Like horses and pets, Children not only learn from our words, but our tone, cues, gestures, etcetera. The phrase 'grown children' is an oxymoron: after age 18 human beings in the United States are as a matter of law no longer children but citizens, sons and daughters ~ and childhood is but memory. Make your memories fond. Don't qualify to go on the Jerry Springer Show. Here's Wishing You Nothing but The Best! Godspeed you in your life's journey, may you Live Well, Love Truly and Prosper From Your Endeavors!


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